April 12
Canadian researchers announce the first successful sequencing of the coronavirus genome believed to be responsible for the global epidemic of SARS. Scientists from the CDC confirm these reports. The new sequence has 29,727 nucleotides which fits well with the typical RNA boundaries of known coronaviruses. The results come just 12 days after a team of 10 scientists, supported by numerous technicians, began working around the clock to grow cells from a throat culture, taken from one of the SARS patients, in Vero cells (African green monkey kidney cells) in order to reproduce the ribonucleic acid
- April 8-10
- April 12
- June 6
- August 14
- September 8
- September 24
- References
- 30 Virology
- Discovery of the SARS Virus
- Initial Research
- Coronaviridae
- Genome Sequence
- Antiviral Agents and Vaccines
- Antiviral Drugs
- Vaccines
- Outlook
- References
- Routes of Transmission
- Patient Factors in Transmission
- Asymptomatic Patients
- Symptomatic Patients
- The Unsuspected Patients
- High-Risk Activities
- Transmission during Quarantine
- Introduction
- Global Spread
- Hong Kong
- Other Countries
- Eradication
- Outlook
- Introduction
- International Coordination
- Management of SARS in the post-outbreak period
- National Measures
- Legislation
- Quarantine after Discharge
- Infection Control in Healthcare Settings
- General Measures
- Protective Measures
- Special Settings
- Intensive Care Units
- Intubating a SARS Patient
- Anesthesia
- Triage
- Internet Sources
- After the Outbreak
- Conclusion
- 108 Case Definition
- WHO Case Definition
- Suspect case
- Reclassification of cases
- CDC Case Definition
- 112 Diagnostic Tests
- Introduction
- Laboratory tests
- Virus isolation
- Antibody detection
- Interpretation
- Limitations
- Biosafety considerations
- Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis
- Clinical Presentation
- Diagnosis
- Clinical Course
- Histopathology
- Lung Biopsy
- Postmortem Findings
- Discharge and Follow-up
- Psychosocial Issues
- References
- 144 SARS Treatment
- Antibiotic therapy
- Antiviral therapy
- Ribavirin
- Alternative medicine
- Immunomodulatory therapy
- Other immunomodulators
- Assisted ventilation
- Invasive mechanical ventilation
- Clinical outcomes
- Appendix 1
- A standardized treatment protocol for adult SARS in Hong Kong
- Appendix 2
- A treatment regimen for SARS in Guangzhou, China
- References
- 168 Pediatric SARS
- Clinical Manifestation