
Other immunomodulators

Thymosin alpha 1 (Zadaxin®, SciClone Pharmaceuticals Inc., USA) is used in the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis B and C, and has also been administered to SARS patients in some Chinese hospitals (Zhao Z et al 2003; Gao et al 2003). It is a relatively safe product and may augment T-cell function. The role and effectiveness of this agent in SARS has not yet been determined.

Other immunomodulatory agents in anecdotal use included tumor necrosis factor blocking agents, namely etanercept (Enbrel®, Immunex Corporation, USA) and infliximab (Remicade®, Centocor Inc., USA), and some other compounds like cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, cyclosporin and thalidomide.